Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Life After Graduation.

People keep asking me about life after graduation. After the initial jubilation and sheer excitement of the NOT HAVING TO DO ANYMORE SCHOOLWORK! things have settled a bit. The whole getting-ready-for-a-wedding-in-3-months-and-a-new-job-in-2-months thing is somewhat distracting and keeps me busy.

I graduated at 10am on Sunday, at 9am on Monday, I got a call from Stephanie (lovely mother of 6 beautiful children, whom I have babysat for a few years). So a job basically fell into my lap. I'm working about 4 or 5 hours a day there - eating cereal, making Mac and Cheese, helping them with schoolwork (4 of them are home schooled), swimming, and hugging Anndrea - the SMALLEST 2 year old alive. It's a nice gig and leaves me time to do my own thing.

Our wedding webpage took me a few hours. After which, Anthony promptly dissed. "That would take me 2.4 seconds. Plus, your fonts are kind of boring." Ah, loving brotherly support. My mom and I finished all the invitations and blah blah blah wedding. :) Michael comes in 2 days, WOO! Let's find a place to live.

I need to go fold laundry! make bed! finish watching riding in cars with boys! eat dinner! and hot chocolate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A HUGE congratulations on graduating Ashley. Be proud! :D

Wedding plans.. exciting.. I'm going to love reading about them since I'm nowhere near that yet (GRR :P)